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- English Language Arts
- English 7 - J.McGovern
James McGovern
The purpose of the Study Skills course is to provide the extra time and support to achieve mastery in grade level standards and individual IEP goals.
The weekly Common Core standards addressed in language arts, math, science, and social studies will be previewed and reviewed on a daily basis in my classroom.
We will also use this time to work on projects, essays, class and homework assignments, and tests that have been assigned in these core classes.
In addition, students will be given the direct instruction and guided practice that will help them to meet their IEP goals.
Please feel free to contact me if questions or concerns arise. To reach me by phone please call: (714) 220-4051 ext. 113. My email address is: I am available to talk before or after school or during my conference period (6th period).
I look forward to a successful and enjoyable year!